
I am a PhD student studying Controls and Dynamical Systems at Caltech in the Amber Lab; before that I was an undergraduate student in Computer Engineering at Georgia Tech.

My main interests are in controls and legged robotics. I strive to contribute to robotics through both theoretical findings and engineering efforts. I want to make robots that improve the world, so I always make sure my work has real world applications.

Ever since 4th grade, when I built my first Lego robots, I have been interested in robotics. In high school I competed in FRC, and at Georgia Tech I continued my robotics education through classes and my work at the AREAL Lab. In the AREAL lab I worked on autonomous flight systems such as quadcopters. Beyond my academic experience, I have worked in industry at Left Hand Robotics (now a part of Toro) where we designed autonomous snow clearing and lawn mowing robots.

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